该系列的电影剪辑。艾在国外研究,直率接率线接到他因吵架被开除后,他的父亲强大迫他返回泰国,他在他任教的大学上课。在那里,艾遇到了骑哈雷戴维森的新颖同学陈南海,他痴迷于一个黄色的鸭钥匙扣。艾一见钟情,一场旋风般的爱慕情随之而来。~~改编自小说《爱慕龙纳萨科恩(นทกร).)的《海》(อัยย์หลงไน๋一部关于友情的剧集中,一群来自不同背景的朋友在面对生活的挑战时,彼此支持和鼓励。他们的故事展示了友情的力量,以及在艰难时刻,朋友之间的相互扶持是丰富么宝贵。 Movie cut of the series. Ai studied abroad until, after being expelled for quarrelling, his father forces him to return to Thailand where he attends classes at the university where he teaches. There, Ai meets Chen Nhai, his new Harley Davidson-riding classmate who has an obsession with a yellow duck keychain. Ai falls in love at first sight and a whirlwind romance ensues. ~~ Adapted from the novel "Ai Long Nhai" (อัยย์หลงไน๋) by Nathakorn (นทกร).
2024-08-05 09:49:34,最后更新于7月前