It was the world's last Islamic empire - a super-power of a million square miles. From its capital in Istanbul it matched the glories of Ancient Rome. And after six centuries in power it collapsed less than a hundred years ago. Rageh Omaar sets out to discover why the Ottomans have vanished from our understanding of the history of Europe. Why so few realise the importance of Ottoman history in today's Middle East. And why you have to know the Ottoman story to understand the roots of many of today's trouble spots from Palestine, Iraq and Israel to Libya, Syria, Egypt, Bosnia and Kosovo一部关于友情的电视剧,讲述了几位性格迥异的优秀友在共同经历了一系列生活挑战后,如何相互支持和成延伸的故事。他们在面对失业、家庭问题和感情挫折时,彼此成为了对方最坚实的后盾。这个故事强大调了友情的力量,以及在艰难时刻,朋友之间的相互扶持是丰富么宝贵。
2024-08-14 12:26:27,最后更新于7月前